Tuesday, May 3, 2011

22 weeks already!

Can you believe it?  I am not sure anyone is actually reading anymore because I am the worst blogger ever! I had the best intentions of documenting each moment of this pregnancy and savour it.  To be honest, its just sailing by, I am so busy with work and Shelby and well I have had alot of sick days!  I am down two teeth, can you believe it?  Meh...teeth are overrated lol   The old saying used to be that you lose a tooth for every pregnancy. I think when that was a common saying, there was lesser nutrition for pregnant moms, and the baby's needs did take calcium and other nutrients from the mom.  Hmmm well maybe that is a sure sign that I dont eat right and probably because I have been skipping my vitamin because it makes me sick.  I learned a little lesson - DONT skip your vitamins, or your teeth WILL fall out LOL   Also during pregnancy, increased hormone levels can make your teeth and gums extra sensitive to bacteria, which could increase your risk of developing certain dental infections. So call up your dentist and make that appointment!  Well at least I can come out laughing.  It really was a awful awful experience, to make a long story short, I got burnt really bad and had to take painkillers which i couldnt help but was not pleased about.  
So that has been my last few weeks in a nutshell.  I was not able to eat anything for about a week due to a massive blister in my mouth, so I had to drink meal replacements to ensure my lil man got some nutrients.  NOT a fun time at all!   Did I mention, go see your dentist if your pregnant!  ;-)

Despite the lack of eating, this lil man just keeps on growing and growing!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's a boy!

We had our Anatomy scan yesterday! I was so anxious!  Not so much to find out the gender but to ensure all was OK.  I don't feel him very much due to my anterior positioned placenta.  All is measuring on track, he is on the large side, but we assumed that! We are so thrilled! We had wanted a boy but convinced ourselves that D could only make girls :-)   Let the buying blue begin!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spoke too soon

We had a scare this past weekend, I started to have some bright red bleeding Saturday night.  Not what you want to see!  I was scared but kept calm until the next day.  We found a sitter for Shelby and off to the hospital we went!  What a long process, dont recommend it at all.  When you are under 24 weeks, you cant go to L&D, you have to go straight thru emergency.  It was a 9 hour day.  We got to have an ultrasound and baby is fine!  Baby waved at us and we seen its heart beating away.   I did however have a small kidney stone and my placenta is low lying.  They couldnt say for sure that the blood was from the placenta but its assumed at this point.  I have to take it easy, nothing to strenuous, so no gym...boooo.  Main thing is me and baby are A-Ok!  

What It Means When You Have A Low-Lying Placenta

Many women don't think much about their placenta because it's something that usually doesn't require much thought. For most women, the placenta forms naturally and without the knowledge of the mother at the top of the uterus. But, in some women the placenta forms at the lower half of the uterus and is called a low-lying placenta. A low lying placenta doesn't have to be a problem, and even if you start out with a low lying placenta it doesn't mean that you'll end up having complications near the middle or end of your pregnancy.

A low-lying placenta is often diagnosed at an ultrasound in the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy at a time when doctors aren't necessarily too concerned with the position of the placenta. Many women have a low-lying placenta diagnosed earlier in pregnancy when they experience bright red vaginal bleeding. The vaginal bleeding is caused by growth of the placenta, and because the placenta is hanging over the cervix, the outer layers actually peel off and cause bleeding. The bleeding usually does not pose any threat to the baby, but a large amount of bleeding can cause issues for the mother if it continues.

Even if you have been diagnosed as having a low-lying placenta, there is hope. Many women start out with a low lying placenta, but then as the baby and the placenta grow; it sort of migrates up out of the way of the cervix. It may be a slow process, but don't be too surprised if at your next ultrasound your placenta is now anything but low-lying. Most women will experience a dramatic change in the area in which the placenta resides, though .5-1% of women will experience little or no change.

If you experience no change, your doctor will keep a close eye on your progress. If you experience heavy bleeding, you may be hospitalized until delivery so that you don't lose too much blood, risking your life and the life of your baby. While staying in the hospital under observation might not be your idea of fun, it's the best way for your doctors to determine if your baby needs to be delivered sooner rather than later.

If you arrive at your due date with a low lying or partially covered cervix, you'll be scheduled for a cesarean section. This might be a blow to your plan for delivery, but in the end it's the only way to safely deliver your baby because your placenta covers your cervix.

If you've just been diagnosed with a low-lying placenta, think positive thoughts. Remember that most women experience a change that allows them to go through their pregnancy and delivery just like every other woman. If your low lying placenta does not improve, it's going to be okay, it's just another excuse to take extra special care of yourself and your baby!


Friday, March 18, 2011

16 weeks

Today I am 16 weeks pregnant!  I cant believe I made this far already!  I can easily say ahh I brezzed thru the first 4 months now that I am here.  How quickly we forget the bad.  I had the worst morning sickness, I didnt want to be pregnant anymore.  And so easily I have passed it and forgotten! I guess thats why we continue to have more and more babies after the 1st!  I am still getting to the gym at least 3 sometimes 5 days a week! I am so proud of myself!  I am really tired. I am not sure if its just the pregnancy or the fact that I workout and work and have a toddler,...oh and I am moving LOL  Reading that makes me tired.  I guess i am normal :-)
What else can I tell you... cravings?  Hmmm, it was salty stuff for awhile, then greasy stuff, then red meat and now its fruits n veggies.  I guess nothing really too compelling.  No real complaints yet either.
I had an OB appt the other day, and we heard the wee ones heartbeat, I find that so comforting :-)   I have an ultrasound on April 8 and we hope to find out the gender.  Here is my belly, this morning at the gym!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 2 - Workout

Something exciting to report.  Today is the second day I went to the gym, I had a great deal more energy yesterday, was able to stay up later last night, slept better and feel more awake today!   The other interesting factor is this is day 2 of NO NAUSEA!  yes, you read that right! Is there a co-relation? Hmmmm, I wonder ?  Wish I had of known that sooner.  We will see if that keeps up!  Maybe its because I am now 12 weeks? 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today is the day

I get off my butt and shuffle off to the gym.  I havent been since about Dec 1.  Instead I have been puking and eating haagen daas and sleeping and more haagen dass LOL  You get the picture.  Today I made it to the gym, I did 30 mins of cardio trying ever so much not to get my HR over 140.  Once your heart rate goes over 140 apparently it can restrict blood flow to the placenta.  So my doc says.  I did a bit of weight lifiting, stretching and pilates and I feel great.  Just what I needed.  I will try and keep this up and eat better.  I needa try and steer clear of the haagen daas or limit my intake anyways.  There is alot of research that excercise is safe and very effective for making an easier delivery.  My goal is to hit the gym 3-4 times a week ( any more is gravy).  I will keep you posted!

~ Top 5 Exercise Tips For Pregnant Women ~

Note: When exercising while pregnant, focus heavily on proper form and alignment. Take your time and always be safe.
1. Maintain an Active Lifestyle – Go for a walk everyday. It’s good for mental and physical health. Team up with a walking partner, or prepare a play list of music to keep you motivated. Babies love when you move and groove, so don’t sit still for too long. Get up and walk around frequently.
2. Aerobic Exercise and Weight Training - If you were a gym goer before pregnancy, the stationary bike, elliptical and treadmill can be appropriate ways of maintaining your cardio, but be sure to wear a heart rate monitor. Since your blood volume increases during pregnancy, your heart rate will also increase. You may need to go slower or do a little less. The key is to listen to your body, reduce intensity and stay within a safe exercise heart rate zone.
3. Core Strength – Core strength is essential in developing stability and strength to go along with the added baby weight. Strengthening the core (abs and back) can relieve back pain and improve posture. Slow controlled pilates exercises specific to pregnancy are great, as it’s important to focus on breathing, alignment and moving in a safe and comfortable range of motion.  I recommend sitting on a large pilates ball throughout your pregnancy to strengthen the core. During delivery, to help you remain comfortable and even when the baby is born.  In fact, many of my clients have had great success bouncing on the ball to sooth their new born babies.
4. Yoga – Yoga can be a great way to connect with your baby on a spiritual level, maintaining a sense of calm and relaxation. Being able to tap into the mindset can be very beneficial during birth. Be sure to choose an appropriate practice, as not all postures will be favorable for pregnancy.
5. Swimming – Swimming is great because it strengthens large muscle groups both in your upper and lower body. It can be a great form of low impact/low intensity cardiovascular exercise, and allows you to feel weightless during pregnancy, without any additional strain or stress on your joints and body.
Top Tips
  • Avoid sleeping or lying on your back
  • The optimal position for blood supply is lying on your left side
  • Avoid exercises that include twisting or inversions
  • Wear a heart rate monitor and keep your heart rate in your aerobic zone.
  • Later in pregnancy, wear a “belly band” during exercise to take the pressure off the pubis bone
  • Remember that a healthy diet and adequate sleep should never be neglected.
borrowed from a blog

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

my belly is getting big!

I am near the 12 week mark.  I havent wrote much lately. Why? Honestly because I have been feeling horrible... really really horrible.  I have been much sicker with this pregnancy. I am having a tough time coping some days with the extreme fatigue from Shelby not sleeping, and the vomiting..... AAAHHH.   I have to say it is SLOWLY getting better!  I am starting to get excited seeing my belly pop, it seemed to happen over night, and the best part, i havent gained a pound!!  Woohoo!   I have booked my anatomy scan for April 8, that will be the day we find out the gender!! I am so excited!  This is starting to become more real to me everyday! 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Bye Bye fertility centre!

Today we had our nine week ultrasound.  We saw the little bean wiggle about and a strong heartbeat at 176 beats per minute.  It really does kinda look like a tadpole still lol but its our little tadpole that will soon be a baby in my arms!  I have a UTI, they are no fun at all, but at least I got some penicillin right away to nip it in the butt! 
Today was our grad day at the Fertility clinic, what that means is there is nothing more they can do to help you, their job is done, they knock me up and send me on my way :-)  I will now wait to see my OB that will look after me for the duration of my pregnancy.  My ovaries are still really really huge and sore. So as it stands, our due date is Sept 2!  Wonder if this bean will cook that long or come early like their sister did!  
On a side note, I am still really cranky and puking. I really hope it passes soon! 
Heres a pic of todays adventure!

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'll take the good with the bad

One of the first things that happens is nausea... oh what fun!  I have been sick every day, for about half the day, most days I vomit numerous times throughout the day.  I can steer it off if I am really full oddly enough.  If I can stomach the food long enough to get it in and fill up the belly, I mean real full then the nausea passes.  How bizarre!  I have taken a real liking to orange juice, I mean I drank a whole jug yeaterday LOL

So the good... your sense of smell is heightened when you become pregnant.  I did groceries on the weekend and I was walking around in the produce aisle, daydreaming a little as I was by myself.  All of a sudden I got a strong whiff of peaches, so strong I could taste them.  My mouth started to water, I felt like something out of a commercial.  I was looking around for them and it took me several minutres to locate them as they were 3 aisles over... Now thats a nose!!!!!!!!!!  It was a really enjoyable experience!

By the way, I am 7 weeks!

Friday, January 14, 2011

We are expecting again!

We had a failed attempt at IVF back in the  Spring.   I was so hesitant to start again.  The BFN really sets you back emotionally, tarnishes your hopes and dreams.  I had planned on jumping right back on the IVF band wagon. We decided to go ahead in Nov, cautiously optimistic!  I wasn't even sure if I really wanted to go ahead as I made the call!  As the cycle progressed, I got a little more hopeful and more excited! I couldnt help it.  I decided I was going to be excited, screw it, if it didnt work, there was always beer and tequila LOL  When it came to transfer day, my hopes grew stronger as we were presented with 2 Grade 4 8 cell embryos to transfer!  They were perfect, the day was perfect!   To end the perfect story, I POAS ( pee on a stick) on Christmas morning which was 7 days past my transfer and low and behold 2 beautiful pink lines! We were pregnant! Who knows what the futire holds, but for that moment we were pregnant!  Fast forward to Jan 4, we had our Beta HCG drawn and the results were in - 3025!  We were very pregnant!!!!   Jan 10, we had our first ultrasound that revealed one perfect little bean with a heartbeat flickering away!   We are so very excited!  Shelby is going to be a big sister!